Map/Oregon/Oregon City

Oregon City personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $66,187

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY Water Heater $11750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $12100
ENERGY Door and Window $2
ENERGY $12100
ENERGY $3250
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840

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residential energy savings

Oregon City

Oregon City, OR, established in 1829, is the state's first city and original capital. Known for its rich history, it features the End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, the historic Willamette Falls, the country's second-largest by volume, and the Oregon City Municipal Elevator, offering spectacular views. It's a hub for heritage with numerous museums and cultural sites and a growing economy with a revitalized downtown area.

incentives available in Oregon City for...
energy icon


Oregon City is actively pursuing energy efficiency through various initiatives and programs. The city has embraced renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to reduce its carbon footprint. Local incentives encourage residents to install solar panels with tax credits and rebates. Energy efficiency grants are available for homeowners looking to upgrade insulation, windows, and heating systems. The Oregon City Municipal Elevator, a notable landmark, symbolizes the city's commitment to integrating historical preservation with energy-efficient operations. Public buildings are mandated to follow LEED standards, minimizing energy consumption. The city's partnership with Energy Trust of Oregon helps businesses and residents receive assistance and incentives for energy-saving projects. Smart grid technology is being implemented to optimize electricity distribution and consumption patterns. Additionally, Oregon City's strategic plan includes measures to enhance energy conservation in city operations, as well as community-wide efforts to promote sustainable practices. With the installation of EV charging stations, the city supports the transition to electric vehicles, further bolstering its energy efficiency goals. Community education programs focus on teaching residents about the benefits of energy conservation and how to implement practical solutions in their daily lives. The overall energy landscape in Oregon City is one of progressive transition toward a more sustainable and efficient future.

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Water efficiency in Oregon City is a critical aspect of the city's environmental management. The municipal water system is managed with an eye toward conservation, ensuring residents have access to high-quality drinking water while safeguarding natural water sources. Strict water quality standards are maintained and regularly monitored to protect public health and the environment. The city has introduced water-efficient landscaping ordinances to encourage the use of native plants and drought-resistant species, reducing the need for irrigation. Incentive programs are available for the installation of low-flow fixtures in homes and businesses, such as water-saving toilets, showerheads, and faucets. Smart metering technology is being employed to help detect leaks and provide detailed water usage data to consumers. The city has made significant infrastructure investments to repair aging pipes and reduce water loss through leaks. Rainwater harvesting systems are promoted, and stormwater management practices are in place to reduce runoff and improve water quality. Education campaigns focus on water conservation techniques, such as rain gardens and permeable pavements. The city's wastewater treatment plant operates with a focus on efficiency and environmental protection, treating and returning clean water to the Willamette River. These continual improvements and initiatives solidify Oregon City's commitment to sustainable water use and management.

energy icon


Transportation efficiency in Oregon City is enhanced through a combination of public transit options and infrastructure improvements aimed at reducing congestion and emissions. The city promotes the use of TriMet, the regional public transit system, which includes bus and light rail options that serve the community. Bicycle-friendly initiatives have been implemented, including the development of bike lanes and trails to encourage non-motorized transport. These efforts are supported by comprehensive city planning that incorporates complete streets policies, designed to accommodate pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles equitably. Oregon City has incentives in place for carpooling and ride-sharing programs to decrease the number of vehicles on the road. Furthermore, electric vehicle (EV) adoption is supported by a growing network of charging stations throughout the city. The historic downtown area is walkable, reducing the need for short-distance vehicle trips. Infrastructure developments aim to improve traffic flow and reduce bottlenecks, contributing to lower emissions and increased transportation efficiency. The city also engages in regional transportation planning efforts to ensure that its initiatives are aligned with greater metropolitan strategies. Through education and community engagement, the city encourages residents to use alternative transportation modes, aiming for a future with less reliance on fossil fuel-dependent vehicles and a more sustainable transportation system overall.

energy icon


Waste management in Oregon City emphasizes reduction, reuse, and recycling to achieve waste efficiency. The city operates comprehensive curbside recycling and yard waste programs, diverting significant amounts of waste from landfills. Residents are encouraged to utilize the city's robust recycling program, which accepts a wide variety of materials. The city has implemented a food scrap collection program for both residential and commercial sectors to reduce organic waste. A local hazardous waste facility provides safe disposal options for items that cannot be processed through regular waste streams. Educational outreach programs are run regularly, informing the public about proper waste disposal and the importance of waste reduction. Businesses are motivated through incentives to participate in waste reduction and recycling initiatives. Oregon City has also established electronic waste collection events to handle the proper disposal of e-waste. The city is exploring innovative waste-to-energy projects to convert non-recyclable waste into electricity. Through partnerships with regional waste management authorities, Oregon City is constantly seeking to improve its waste diversion rates and implement new technologies for waste processing. Reusable bag initiatives and bans on certain single-use plastics reflect the community's commitment to reducing waste at the source. The city's strategic waste management plan is designed to move toward a zero-waste future, emphasizing sustainability and efficiency in all waste-related operations.